Solve Roku.Com/Link account activation Errors
After setup/activation your Roku streaming device, you have to connect to your Roku account. Roku account saved your information about your device, channels which you have installed as well as about your settings.In order to activate your Roku device, go to the site: from your smartphone, tablet or laptop browser and enter your unique code there then click on submit. Sometimes, problems occurred in activation of your Roku device. Don’t worry! We providing you solution of your problem.
After Setup activates your device with some simple steps:
Get update software or new software, Roku automatically updates and add new channels to your channel list.Enter your unique activation code into site whose display on your TV screen.
Click on submit button.
A various error occurred in Activation:
- Don’t know how to activate your device?
- Activation code does not appear?
- Error in Reach to activation code link screen?
- Error occur before entering activation code?
- Roku device fixed to the screen after entered code?
For solving this problem, follows simple steps:
- Firstly, check your internet connection. If Error 101 and Not connected error display on your screen. Then your device is not connected to a network.
- Now Reconnect your device using Try again button.
- Select Get a new code button.
- After your new unique code displayed on the screen. Go to to again activate your device.
- Now enter the new activation code and click on submit button.
- For any type of help press * button from Roku Remote.
There are the different type of issues occurred in login and signup to your accounts such as incorrect username and password.
To solve a problem with account login follows some simple steps:
- Check your Email address and password.
- Re-write your correct username and password.
- Then again login to your Roku com link activate account.
- If still, you have any problem in your account then you can also Recreate your account.